Middle Tree Enrollment

Page 1 - Please Confirm Your Details

Page 2 - Student Details

Please complete the following section(s) for your student(s).
About Your Student
Follow this link to review our programs.

NOTE: Unless discounted, the $100 registration fee will automatically be added to the Total.

Restroom Policy
For offices with restrooms outside the office, it is our policy that students in PK-4th grade go to the restroom with an adult and recommend that students in 5th-6th grade are accompanied by someone.
Sign Out Policy
It is our policy that students in PK-4th grade do not sign out without adult supervision and recommend that students in 5th-6th be signed out by an adult or family member.
By checking this box, you are acknowledging that you are permitting your student the ability to sign her/himself out of Middle Tree's supervision at your student's discretion to go off campus and into the area to get food or snacks. Middle Tree assumes no liability for your student's actions while off campus, and you agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Middle Tree for any actions that result in property damage or injury, up to and including, death, while your student has signed her/himself out of Middle Tree.

Use their LEGAL name. The individual must present ID. 

Medical Details & Release Consent

Emergency Treatment
If Middle Tree staff deem it necessary, your child will be taken by ambulance to the nearest emergency facility where the attending physician or dentist on duty may perform emergency treatment on your child. All costs incurred shall be at the parent or guardian's expense.
Notable Health Issues
Please list your student's health problems, if any, and explain.  Examples include: diabetes, asthma, severe allergies, heart problems, seizures, bone/join problems, or other health concerns. 

Medication at Middle Tree
No Middle Tree staff members administer medications (prescription or over the counter) to students. However, in case of an emergency, please list the medications your student is taking on a continuing basis:

If you would like to register another student, please click the "Register Another Student" link below.
2 About Your Student
Follow this link to review our programs.

NOTE: Unless discounted, the $100 registration fee will automatically be added to the Total.

Restroom Policy
For offices with restrooms outside the office, it is our policy that students in PK-4th grade go to the restroom with an adult and recommend that students in 5th-6th grade are accompanied by someone.
Sign Out Policy
It is our policy that students in PK-4th grade do not sign out without adult supervision and recommend that students in 5th-6th be signed out by an adult or family member.
By checking this box, you are acknowledging that you are permitting your student the ability to sign her/himself out of Middle Tree's supervision at your student's discretion to go off campus and into the area to get food or snacks. Middle Tree assumes no liability for your student's actions while off campus, and you agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Middle Tree for any actions that result in property damage or injury, up to and including, death, while your student has signed her/himself out of Middle Tree.

Use their LEGAL name. The individual must present ID. 

Medical Details & Release Consent

Emergency Treatment
If Middle Tree staff deem it necessary, your child will be taken by ambulance to the nearest emergency facility where the attending physician or dentist on duty may perform emergency treatment on your child. All costs incurred shall be at the parent or guardian's expense.
Notable Health Issues
Please list your student's health problems, if any, and explain.  Examples include: diabetes, asthma, severe allergies, heart problems, seizures, bone/join problems, or other health concerns. 

Medication at Middle Tree
No Middle Tree staff members administer medications (prescription or over the counter) to students. However, in case of an emergency, please list the medications your student is taking on a continuing basis:

If you would like to register another student, please click the "Register Another Student" link below.
3 About Your Student
Follow this link to review our programs.

NOTE: Unless discounted, the $100 registration fee will automatically be added to the Total.

Restroom Policy
For offices with restrooms outside the office, it is our policy that students in PK-4th grade go to the restroom with an adult and recommend that students in 5th-6th grade are accompanied by someone.
Sign Out Policy
It is our policy that students in PK-4th grade do not sign out without adult supervision and recommend that students in 5th-6th be signed out by an adult or family member.
By checking this box, you are acknowledging that you are permitting your student the ability to sign her/himself out of Middle Tree's supervision at your student's discretion to go off campus and into the area to get food or snacks. Middle Tree assumes no liability for your student's actions while off campus, and you agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Middle Tree for any actions that result in property damage or injury, up to and including, death, while your student has signed her/himself out of Middle Tree.

Use their LEGAL name. The individual must present ID. 

Medical Details & Release Consent

Emergency Treatment
If Middle Tree staff deem it necessary, your child will be taken by ambulance to the nearest emergency facility where the attending physician or dentist on duty may perform emergency treatment on your child. All costs incurred shall be at the parent or guardian's expense.
Notable Health Issues
Please list your student's health problems, if any, and explain.  Examples include: diabetes, asthma, severe allergies, heart problems, seizures, bone/join problems, or other health concerns. 

Medication at Middle Tree
No Middle Tree staff members administer medications (prescription or over the counter) to students. However, in case of an emergency, please list the medications your student is taking on a continuing basis:

If you would like to register another student, please click the "Register Another Student" link below.
4 About Your Student
Follow this link to review our programs.

NOTE: Unless discounted, the $100 registration fee will automatically be added to the Total.

Restroom Policy
For offices with restrooms outside the office, it is our policy that students in PK-4th grade go to the restroom with an adult and recommend that students in 5th-6th grade are accompanied by someone.
Sign Out Policy
It is our policy that students in PK-4th grade do not sign out without adult supervision and recommend that students in 5th-6th be signed out by an adult or family member.
By checking this box, you are acknowledging that you are permitting your student the ability to sign her/himself out of Middle Tree's supervision at your student's discretion to go off campus and into the area to get food or snacks. Middle Tree assumes no liability for your student's actions while off campus, and you agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Middle Tree for any actions that result in property damage or injury, up to and including, death, while your student has signed her/himself out of Middle Tree.

Use their LEGAL name. The individual must present ID. 

Medical Details & Release Consent

Emergency Treatment
If Middle Tree staff deem it necessary, your child will be taken by ambulance to the nearest emergency facility where the attending physician or dentist on duty may perform emergency treatment on your child. All costs incurred shall be at the parent or guardian's expense.
Notable Health Issues
Please list your student's health problems, if any, and explain.  Examples include: diabetes, asthma, severe allergies, heart problems, seizures, bone/join problems, or other health concerns. 

Medication at Middle Tree
No Middle Tree staff members administer medications (prescription or over the counter) to students. However, in case of an emergency, please list the medications your student is taking on a continuing basis:

If you would like to register another student, please click the "Register Another Student" link below.

Page 3 - Emergency Release Form

Emergency Contact Information:
In the event of emergency or disaster, your student(s) will only be released to the persons authorized on this form if we are unable to reach you. 

I acknowledge that I have read the Emergency Release Form and that I am aware of Middle tree's procedures in the event my child is seriously injured or there is a catastrophic event. I certify that the information I have provided is accurate and current. Should a change in the information I have provided occur, I will immediate inform Middle Tree staff of the change and update this form to ensure that my emergency contacts are available as needed.

Page 4 - Membership Agreement

As A Member, I Understand That:


➢ Teachers are not responsible for keeping students entertained. When students are at Middle Tree they will be expected to pursue some kind of academic benefit.
➢ If your student does not bring his or her textbook and/or class notes he or she may not be able to receive the necessary help to complete assignments from school.
➢ Students and parents are responsible for keeping track of their own homework assignments, tests, and quizzes.
➢ If your student does not let Middle Tree teachers know about his or her project well in advance of the due date, then your student may not receive the necessary help.
➢ Middle Tree is not responsible for providing school, art or project supplies.
➢ Students with an IEP or a 504 Plan are encouraged to share it with Middle Tree staff before your student begins. Failure to do so will almost certainly prevent us from providing your student with the necessary help.
➢ The more communication Middle Tree staff has with parents the better we are able to assist our students.
➢ Test Preparation lessons are for standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, SSAT, etc. Preparation for tests over the course of a student’s normal school year can be handled through the regular membership.


➢ A Middle Tree pledge contract cannot be paused or terminated; when pledging to support Middle Tree I am pledging to support a public mission that budgets around the pledges it receives.
➢ All registrations require a nonrefundable $100 registration fee, which covers matriculation and materials costs.
➢ Test Preparation is billed separately from the general membership.
➢ The SEED (Student Enrichment through Educational Development) program is meant for students who need focused attention. Billing is assessed separately from the unlimited membership.
➢ The SHADE program (Summer Hands-on Application Development in Education) is Middle Tree’s summer program and is billed separately from the general membership.
➢ Supplemental curriculum created outside of general hours will be billed separately from the general membership on an hourly basis.
➢ Unlimited program pledges will renew and be continuous until augmented or canceled regardless of the pledge term.
➢ Overlays in the Unlimited Program might not be worked on during each visit depending on students’ workload. Overlays are a minimal focus and practice throughout the month in reflection on the monthly fee.
➢ Appointments and appointment changes must be made 48 hours in advance or they will not be honored. Limited courtesy financial credits may be given but frequent appointment changes will result in the session being canceled or an additional fee per hour will be applied.
➢ If a student cancels an appointment in less than 48 hours from the appointment time or fails to show up for their appointment, the appointment will not be rescheduled and no financial credit will be applied.
➢ Students are expected to show up on time for appointments. Appointments will stop at the prescheduled time regardless of whether or not a student is on time.
➢ If a student is not picked up a half hour after Middle Tree closes and there is no communication with a parent or guardian, a late pick-up fee will be processed and child services will be contacted.
➢ Any student exhibiting signs of being sick or unwell should not come to Middle Tree and risk exposing other students and staff. Students who come into Middle Tree with signs such as coughing, sneezing, or a fever will be sent home and their session will be non-refundable.
➢ Program pledges are non-refundable regardless of student attendance.
➢ Cancellation of any program requires a filled out cancellation form and is subject to a cancellation fee. The cancellation fee amount is dependent on the program being canceled.
➢ All Unlimited memberships can be paused from June 1st to August 31st.

Membership Agreement

Discount Codes

Payment Method